What are the keys to excellent customer service? 

As this can be a hidden cause of profit leaks. 

You may not think “customer service” can be an issue for a largely one-on-one coach, but as soon you provide products, that need multiplies exponentially. 

Even if you only do one-on-one coaching, you need to set up a system to:  

  • Make processes run smoothly 
  • Avoid glitches and the resulting complaints that glitches cause 

So how do you provide excellent customer service? 

Make sure clients and customers receive fast, reliable service. 

A hypothetical example is if you took seventy-two hours just to acknowledge you received a client’s payment. 

With this, your new client’s confidence would rapidly plummet.  

Nervousness would replace excitement and anticipation.  

Negative thoughts would creep in.  

Your client would approach the session on high alert, looking for signs that you’re not what you were cracked up to be. 

That is just teaching your client to jump ship. 

Setting up proper, effective and thoroughly tested systems takes care of eighty percent of potential customer care issues.  

An experienced VA can help you do just that because they surely have the skills to provide excellent customer service 

For those glitches or situations that inevitably do occur, setting up protocols and procedures and providing a way to help your customers quickly contact you will keep your reputation from springing any leaks. 

Branding your products, emails, and branding your Help Desk, if automate customer service is a touch of professionalism. 

This will ensure that customer service interactions will be more relaxed and confident on your customer’s part which are ways to provide excellent customer service. 

Not providing consistent, fast customer service can lead to unsubscribes, disappointment, annoyance, frustration, and dissatisfaction.  

It can damage your reputation. 

Nothing decreases your profits more drastically than this.  

So, if you haven’t created rock-solid customer service protocols, procedures, and systems, take care of this right now. 

If you are interested in identifying and plugging business leaks, we want to recommend that you check out the latest MyNAMS Profit Planner called “Plug Your Profit Leaks 

It’s a complete program that delivers step-by-step implementation plans to help you start fixing profit leaks in your business. 

This value-packed information will give you everything you need to identify and fix the profit leaks in your business fast. 

Check it out here.


what's excellent customer service

What’s covered in this training?  

  • Identify Common Leaks and Boost Your Profits 
  • 3 Basic Skills for Getting More Sales 
  • 5 Ways to Increase Profits Now 

And what do you get? 

  • Textbook 
  • Workbook  
  • Checklist  
  • Tools and Resources Guide 
  • Idea Generator 
  • Infographic with key points 

This is a complete, concise implementation plan that gets to the key information and walks you through fixing the common profit leaks. 

Grab your copy here.



If you want access to additional topics for improving your business, then check this out. 


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