Building and maintaining a business has many moving parts when you manage time effectively 

Your daily operations and systems can be overwhelming and stressful. You must learn ways to manage your time effectively to keep your business growing. 

A vital tool in your business is your calendar planner. 


Here are some ways successful entrepreneurs use their calendar planner to never miss a deadline. 

  • Managing Time Schedule

While it may sound ridiculous to you, it works. If you have a project you are working on, block time on your calendar to work on it.

Include deadlines for the different stages of your project to keep you focused on the ‘end-date.’  

Put the launch date on your calendar to give you that extra push to complete the project. Avoid pushing the deadline out to a later date. Treat your deadlines as crucial for your business.  

  • Set a Timer 

A timer with an audible ticking sound helps keep you on task. The ticking is a subtle reminder that you are working.

If your mind wanders and you decide to check into your social media platforms, your subconscious mind will keep you focused. 

If you do want to check on your social media, then block off time and do calendar management specifically for that. 

  • Take a Day Off 

Have you noticed how much work you get done on the days leading up to time off?  

You get super focused and motivated to get things done that tend to pile up. 

Some of these tasks can be: 

managing time effectively

  • Return calls you’ve put off 
  • Clean out your email inbox 
  • Write those blog posts to get caught up – or, ahead of schedule 

Plus, anything that represents an ‘open loop’ in your life or business.  

A simple tactic to get more stuff done is to schedule a day off.

Not only will you feel extra motivated to get things done before the day off, but you may also find that ‘extra’ day in your schedule to work on whatever you want.  

Have a new program or product you have been talking about creating?  

how to do time management

Now is a perfect time to research it. 

Commit to use your calendar and never miss a deadline again.  

Set deadlines for anything work-related and have them firm on your calendar planner.

We have discovered an incredible, detailed training that will help you in managing time and achieving productivity.

It comes from David Perdew at MyNAMS, and it is one of their popular Profit Planners called ‘Focus for Your Success’. 

If you are ready to take control over the time you spend working on your business, this is for you!  

Check It Out Here.

You’ll go through the process in step-by-step detail to help your focus on your success. 

how to achieve productivity

What’s covered in this training? 

  • 5 Ways to Avoid Business Overwhelm 
  • Conquer Your Calendar for More Profits 
  • 4 Time Traps That Can Hurt Your Bottom Line 
  • Do This and Never Miss a Deadline Again! 

Here’s what you get: 

  • TextBook 
  • Workbook  
  • Checklist  
  • Tools and Resource Guide 
  • Idea Generator 
  • Infographic with key points 

This is a complete course and implementation plan that gets to the critical information quickly.  

Grab Your Copy!


You can get access to this when you purchase an annual or lifetime access to the membership.



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