Start setting work goals to discover some simple hacks that will help you stop doing what you hate and only get paid to do what you love. 

How many hours do you work each day? What do you have to show for all of the hours you put into it? Do you find yourself surfing your social media accounts? Do you spend hours on end on YouTube watching the cute cat videos? Are you completing the money-making things? Do you KNOW what your money-making tasks are? 

Money-making tasks are those that need your input and have the highest ROI (return of investment), such as increasing sales or new clients. If you promote affiliate products, then your affiliate income is considered a money-making task. 

Setting work goals – writing your courses and programs, structuring your group coaching program, and products you will sell are all money-making tasks. Your monthly newsletter with affiliate links makes money. Being a guest on a podcast is a money-making task because you are placed in front of a new audience filled with potential new clients or customers. 

Right now, commit to changing what you do every day, including the ‘little’ tasks.  

Document everything you do in a list format. Don’t edit or think about it – just do it! Pay attention to each detail – are you accomplishing anything? 

steps for setting goals

As you are setting work goals, create two columns labelled “Money Maker” and “Busy Work”. Take the list you created and place everything in one of the two columns. You may see some of the tasks showing up in both columns. If the majority of your tasks are in the Busy Work column, you must make changes. 

Look at the list objectively from a new viewpoint. What happens when you wake up?  

Are you running around because you overslept, or do you fix a cup of tea and enjoy the morning? Do you read personal development goals for work or listen to motivating podcasts? Do you exercise or jump into work mode and begin checking email and social media activity? 

Experts believe that how you begin your day determines the entire day.  

Starting with a ‘busy’ mind with unimportant social media posts will most likely lead to distraction by other social media posts or busywork tasks throughout the day. Social media doesn’t directly make you money, so delegate that task.  Limit your social media time to strictly answering questions or engaging conversations. Avoid getting drawn into the ‘drama’ or join in remembering the good old days with your college buddies. These are all-time suckers, not setting work goals. 

On the other hand, if you begin your day journaling or doing a motivational self talk, you will experience focus to achieve your goals. Do you have a list of tasks for the day? Get excited to tackle that list and make progress before your computer boots up! 

How to prioritize tasks effectively while setting work goals? 

Review the task list and organize it with the highest ROI that you will attack first. These are the tasks you focus on while delegating the rest to your VA (Virtual Assistant) or another team member.  

Remember that your time is valuable, as is your expertise. 

Use both to generate more income for your business instead of wasting time watching the cat videos. 

Create a balance with doing what you love that helps your business grow and thrive. If there are things you hate to do, yet they must be done for your business success while setting work goals, think about outsourcing those items. 

David Perdew has created a Profit Planner called “7 Landmines that Blow Up Your Business”, helping businesses avoid the seven pitfalls that can impact a business.   

how to stop dwelling on negative thoughts


This implementation system comes with: 

  • Textbook 
  • Workbook 
  • Idea generator 
  • Calendar tasks 
  • Checklist 

If you’re interested in learning more about this hack plus six other landmines that can blow up your business, click here. 

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