The key lies in an almost if not perfect template for pitching an idea.

While having connections helps you get gigs, you can still succeed by doing the podcast equivalent of cold-calling and making a pitch to a host you don’t know.  

Showing your host you know the ropes and have something that will increase their credibility and please their ideal audience is gold. 

All pitches should cover the basic pitching areas:  

  • Who 
  • What 
  • Where 
  • When 
  • How 
  • Why 

Create a template for pitching an idea and reuse it over and over, simply customizing it to suit each podcast host you approach. 

A template has two huge advantages: 

  • It ensures you always tell your potential key host what they need to know, without missing anything (like your phone number, for example). 
  • It is repetitive, so as you work with it, you are training yourself, over and over, to perfect your pitch—and get comfortable with it. 

For example, your template for pitching an idea may look something like this: 

Hello [host name], 

I would love to be a guest on [podcast name], since I know your audience is interested in [your topic area] My audience will also find this interview interesting, and I will be happy to actively promote it. 

The areas I cover are: 

  • [List your topics simply or in point form] 
  • [Short 1-3 sentence bio/story: your WHY] 
  • [Where else are you featured on/You can find me where] 
  • [Podcasts you’ve appeared in] 
  • [Blog interviews or guest posts you’ve done for other hosts] 

I use: 

  • [Mention your equipment] 
  • [Reassure potential host about your internet connection] 

I have a reach of: 

  • [List any stats your host might find relevant]
  • [Give your calendar link or suggest specific shows or time blocks]
  • [When you plan to promote the episode]
  • [What you will do to promote the episode]
  • If you are interested, you can reach me at:
  • [Your contact info: Telephone, mobile, email, alternate email, Skype ID] 
    I look forward to your response. 
    Warm regards, 
    [Your Name] 


Don’t feel intimidated if you have not yet been a guest on any other podcast.

For your template in pitching an idea, simply list your blog link. Also, add in links to guest posts you have written, or blog interviews featuring you.  

Also, include your YouTube or Vimeo channel—anywhere else online where your host can catch your “flavor” to see if your communication style and your host’s style mesh. 

Simply include the “short version” bio you use for your website. Include your bio along with links to your website so the podcast owner can check you out. They want to see if your vibe connects with them/their audience.  Delete any sentence that isn’t relevant to her show or readers. 

For stats, talk about your list and subscriber numbers.

Your promise to promote! 

Include your followers on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn—and do mention any Groups to whom you also plan to promote the show. 

Are you ready to include Podcasting in 2022?  

Well, now is the time to get started on perfecting your template for pitching an idea! 

Template for Pitching an Idea

Introducing the EBA Profit Planner, ‘Book Yourself on Hot Podcasts”.

Profit Planners are simple systems that will benefit many businesses.  

You will receive the following in the package: 

  • A Textbook 
  • Digital Workbook 
  • Calendar with tasks you work on daily 
  • Idea Generator to brainstorm about podcasts 
  • A complete checklist to make sure you don’t miss a step 
  • Confidence to pull off seeking a guest spot on hot podcasts  

The Profit Planners are tiny systems that you can simply plug and go.  

Building strong systems for your business is what you need to grow and succeed. 

get started now

To your abundant success! 


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