To make an online course, there are countless variables to take into consideration. It’s not possible to answer every problem for every person in your products and programs. 

Think about providing a list of related training to help your customer with the next steps. This list doesn’t have to include your products only.  

Use an affiliate link to help your client reach their next steps.    

There are two ways to approach this.  

  • The wrong way is bundling random, unrelated items without considering if it enriches the offer you currently have in place.

It’s bad practice to pile multiple items together to try to make a quick buck when you make an online course. It will confuse your buyer. Some examples of the wrong items to bundle are products you’ve retired or dime sale final products picked up.   

Also, don’t include items that duplicate the main offer or complicate what’s being taught or provided in the main product.  

  • The right approach is to be strategic.  

Include training that enhances your product, provides more depth and value, and fast-track the results. This offers the opportunity to take their learning one step closer to the next level.  

Pay attention to the client’s journey as they proceed through your training.  

Are you hearing from clients who are confused and have many questions in certain areas of the training? If so, this means you need to review your program to make an online course and find where the hiccups are. When you do, fix it, and send the clients your updated version. Maybe they need a checklist or something else in that area of your training. If so, create it and include it in the package.  

Add resources or training for those ready to take it to the next level by having an upsell in place. Are you charging a high-end price for your program? Consider additional training to justify your price tag.  

Are you ready to make more revenue by simply enhancing what you offer when you make an online course? 

If so, you need a Profit Planner called ‘Money in Your Existing Programs’ from Melanie M Davis at EBA (Excellence Business Academy). 

She breaks this process down for you with easy, simple processes that you can plug and start making money in existing programs. 

The workbook is amazing! Everything you need to learn is how to find hidden money under your nose! 

Learn all about it by clicking here. 

What materials are in this training? It comes with: 

  • Textbook 
  • Workbook 
  • Idea Generator 
  • Checklist 
  • Calendar 
  • Tools and resource guide to show you what EBA uses in their business 

Don’t miss out on this opportunity!  

get access now

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