To create email online, we can target subscribers who show interest in other products by tracking their behavior and sending them relevant sales emails.  

There is nothing unethical about tracking their interactions and sending them offers that ideally suit them.

These types of emails simply ensure that your subscribers receive only emails containing the ones they’re most likely to appreciate. 

A behavior-based strategy can be as simple as getting your Autoresponder when you create email online to automatically migrate a subscriber who buys from a Subscriber list to a Previous Buyer list.

The benefits to you are obvious: Your brand-new purchaser is that she no longer gets emails urging her to buy the product she just purchased from you, which you probably know from experience can be annoying.

And if you don’t know how to segment lists in your Autoresponder yourself, hire a VA to do it. Hire one who has experience with your Autoresponder SaaS (Software as a Service).

But first, you need to know what particular behaviors your subscribers repeat the most.  

If you access this type of data when you create email online, it becomes easy to create the content and products they need. It can make you look like a miracle worker, always coming up with what they need next and what they most want. 

You can gather quite a chunk of this type of data by paying attention to your social media groups and pages, particularly by regularly and diligently checking your Facebook Insights. Still, this type of monitoring can be time-consuming and only gives you a part of the picture. 

While it’s true that when you create email online, most paid autoresponders nowadays offer tracking analytics, the key is to choose the service you need, not necessarily the most extensive but the Autoresponder that: 

  • Fits the size of your list and budget right now 
  • Will grow with you without breaking the bank in extra charges 
  • Is the easiest for you to implement and use 

The more attention you pay to track and the more you utilize behavior-based emails, the better your results. 

It’s also a good idea to pay attention to changing trends as the internet evolves. Keep in mind that segmenting lists as the top strategy, with mobile optimization only slightly behind. 

According to, behavioral targeting lags at 24% — but when you consider that most of the strategies near the top are all parts of behavioral-based tracking, one can see the importance to create email online. 

The one thing you should not do when it comes to tracking and tailoring your emails?

You should never ignore this aspect of your sales funnels and campaigns. 

Are you interested in learning more ways to find money in your existing programs? 

We have the perfect resource for you! It’s a Profit Planner called ‘Money in Your Existing Programs’ from Melanie M Davis at EBA (Excellence Business Academy). 

Learn all about it by checking here. 

 What materials are in this training? It comes with: 

  • Textbook 
  • Workbook 
  • Idea Generator 
  • Checklist 
  • Calendar 
  • Tools and resource guide to show you what EBA uses in their business 

Don’t miss out on this opportunity!  

get access now

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