Do you know how to create an online course that can provide additional help to your subscribers? 

It is to include related offers on member pages and in member emails.  

This works exceptionally well if you have created a JV with a desirable partner whose product or webinar you know your members will prize and value. It pleases your JV partners too!  

Don’t worry about your members jumping ship. Why should they, when YOU are the one bringing in exclusive, expert guests or exclusive, high-end offers at special prices – just for them?  

This might be a strategy you haven’t considered before, but it’s like any other strategy. Don’t focus so much on this that you miss other opportunities to present related offers when you know how to create an online course 

Offer them a less expensive or less intimidating alternative.  

Perhaps a DIY book instead of your high-end course. One that gives them a taste of your teaching and helps them increase confidence or income enough that they DO come back for your high-end course the next time you offer it.  

Your message, implied or stated, should give them the idea, “Hey, I know you can’t do this right now, but here’s a perfect solution I can offer you that will work until you can.”  

As you know how to create an online course, this is a strategy that also applies when you have created a mini-version or basic-level version of a course or membership. Price alone isn’t always the reason that people hedge and hesitate.  

Sometimes it’s a question of confidence. Sometimes it’s simply that you are an unknown quantity. 

They don’t know you, so they are ‘trying out’ your free 7-day or 30-day challenge. So, at strategic intervals throughout your challenge, including related offers and upsells, perhaps even with each module. As their trust in you builds, or as they start to see results, many members will go ahead and accept the upsell or the related offer.  

But only if you’ve made sure it’s available, timely, and in plain sight on the right page or offered at the right moment.  

When you know how to create an online course, offer exclusive promo codes right on your download pages to create more opportunities for your members to learn from you.  

In addition to that, make sure the paid offers you present are highly relevant to your members and where they are in their journey.  

But don’t just add related offers or additional offers. Pay careful attention to how you present them.  

Your visitor should feel as if you have read her mind and thoroughly understand what she needs right now – especially if that something happens to be something extra, something that meets a particular need or goal she has.  

But don’t rely totally on speaking to your visitor. One strange quirk of the human experience is, the more we need something new, the more likely we humans are to put off buying or trying it. We tell ourselves we’ll do it “later.” And we usually don’t return.  

You can prompt your hesitating visitor to say yes by using a sense of urgency.  

This is how to create an online course. 

Scarcity, exclusivity – these both compel people to think twice before turning down a limited-time or discount-price offer. “Only XX copies remaining” can also catch peoples’ attention and spur them to stop and seriously consider clicking through “now”.  

Bonus gifts offer another powerful incentive on your main offer, but if you use this tactic, sweeten the pot with a bonus worth something to your visitor. Make it worth their while and give them something with high value for free, just for purchasing your product or signing up for your membership club.  

Pay attention to your words. Using adjectives like “easy” and “special” go a lot further than hard-sell tactics. “An exceptional bonus for you” feels a lot warmer than “BUY NOW!”  

Along with your words, pay attention to tone. This is how to create an online course. Keep your style conversational, as if you were talking to your subscriber or visitor in person.  

Remove weak words. You can still be conversational and yet go through your copy and remove every comment that weakens the impact of what you’re saying. “Join me at this just-for-you special rate” sounds a lot more compelling than “Sign up now to get a special discount on this amazing but limited-time sales offer”.   

Finally, pay attention to position. No, not just positioning. We mean the physical position of additional offers on your sales pages.  

Split-test different spots and different wordings on your sales offers. CRMs can make this easy!  

All these principles apply as much to offers when you know how to create an online course as you present on member pages as on general sales pages. The big difference is that when you are presenting offers to existing members, you are much more likely to make the sale because you don’t have to convince them. At this point, they already know you deliver. They already trust you.  

We have the perfect resource for you! It’s a Profit Planner called ‘Money in Your Existing Programs from Melanie M Davis at EBA (Excellence Business Academy). 

She breaks this process down for you with easy, simple processes that you can plug and start making money in existing programs. 

It’s too much to include everything about making more revenue in this article. 

Learn all about it by clicking here. 

What materials are in this training? It comes with:

  • Textbook 
  • Workbook 
  • Idea Generator 
  • Checklist 
  • Calendar 
  • Tools and resource guide to show you what EBA uses in their business 

Don’t miss out on this opportunity!  

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