Thinking for membership site ideas is terrific, but it doesn’t necessarily equate to success. 

Let’s look at the benefits of creating a membership program first: 

  • Memberships Provide Recurring Monthly Income 
  • Allows You to Offer Lower Price Points for Connections 
  • Potential Upsell into Future Offers and Exclusive Deals 
  • Maintain a Sustainable Income Stream 

No matter where your membership is in your sales funnel, and you’ve kept your promise, you’ll have satisfied, happy members. 

Are you ready to dig in and discover some membership site ideas that make membership leaders successful? 

Every organization, such as your membership program, requires a strong leader.  

Invest your money and time in how to create content monthly. You’ll also need to invest in your marketing, free and paid, to attract new members.

When people join, it’s vital to spend time engaging and nurturing them in maintaining the membership.  

If you are using membership with a natural completion date, aka ‘fixed membership model,’ you need to have a graduate program in place. 

You want to reap the rewards of your time and money, don’t you? So why settle for ten members if you can have 1,000?

If you know your definition of success, you should be aware of the definitive qualities necessary in your membership site ideas if you want your program to soar. 

  • You’re Passion for Your Topic 
  • You Have Time to Dedicate to the Upfront Project 
  • You Have the Ideal Audience Who Loves to Buy 

Now is an excellent time to let you know that building a membership site without an established audience will take a little more time and effort to get off the ground. It’s not impossible, but it will take extra time and money.  

For example, you will need to run paid ads to attract a following. So if you have contacts that haven’t heard from you in a while, it’s time to warm them up by sharing what you are working on now and offer them an exclusive piece of content to show them what to expect. 

In gathering membership site ideas, know that interacting with followers on social media is another way to warm up your followers before you launch.  

Build trust and share your excitement about what you are working on.  

Of course, you’ll need to reveal your expertise with these interactions. Email consistently to educate and inspire your subscribers. 

If you have a small following, recruit them to be affiliates. This ‘sales force’ will happily spread the word about your program. Be prepared to share a portion of the memberships with the affiliates. It’s worth it to pay affiliates to market and sell your program. 

Is it time for you to look a little deeper into creating membership site ideas? 

And, if you’re like most people who are stumped by the process, you need a step-by-step approach to start earning money online with digital products. 

how to create content


That’s what David Perdew and the NAMS team have for you today- introducing the Profit Planner, “Fast $1K Monthly Memberships”. It takes you step by step on how to do it the right way without missing a step.    

All you have to do is click here to get started.  

Stop what you’re doing right now and check out this Profit Planner today. 



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