Having a growth mindset will surely determine the type of success you desire. But if you don’t have this, but rather have a fixed mindset, then would you want to try to shift your current mindset for a better one? 

James Allen was an early founder in the self-help arena. He was a British author and philosopher in the late 1800s and is credited with this quote, “Good thoughts and actions can never produce bad results; bad thoughts and actions can never produce good results”. 

Have you caught yourself off track or had a fixed mindset? Some people experience this daily.  

For others, they hear self-sabotaging thoughts when something goes wrong. Sometimes they question themselves or doubt they aren’t intelligent enough to have a successful business. A fixed mindset, not a growth mindset. 

Everyone can experience negative self-talk, but it’s how you handle it that matters. 

Have you caught yourself thinking, “no one would want to learn anything from me,” or, “I’ll never be as successful as ‘xyz,’ so I might as well not try anymore”. Negative self-talk as self-sabotage is one way, we remain in our comfort zones.  

A fixed mindset can cause you to believe you can only reach a particular level of success.   

The fear of criticism and failure is too frightening for many to put at risk. Stretching your comfort zones and overcoming negative self talk will take you closer to the success you’ve dreamed about. 

Henry Ford said, “Whether you say you can or can’t, you’re right”. 

That’s a well-known statement of negative versus positive or having a fixed mindset versus a growth mindset 

What you believe is what will manifest in your life and business. For example, if you’ve lost a client or your big launch didn’t yield the sales you had hoped, speaking positively will keep you moving forward, whereas negative speaking halts all progress. 

Developing a growth mindset to replace the negative mindset is vital for getting rid of negative self-talk. 

Changing a fixed mindset means you have to recognize the mental, emotional obstacles you have.  

Think about the origin of these self-sabotaging thoughts and feelings. Many times, the root comes from family, classmates, and teachers who have said or treated you. 

How to stop repeating negative thoughts? 

The first step is acknowledging you need to reset your mindset. The next step is to notice the negative self-talk. Note what may have triggered that self-talk. When you recognize the triggers, you will be able to avoid them or learn how to react positively if they are unavoidable. 

The willingness to explore having a growth mindset work is an indicator of how much change you experience. Experts and successful entrepreneurs may feel insecure and unworthy even when they reach the pinnacle of success. Understanding your mental and emotional roadblocks will allow you to change them.  

Are you open to adopting new strategies and technologies to ensure your growth mindset success?   

David Perdew has created a Profit Planner called “7 Landmines that Blow Up Your Business, helping businesses avoid the seven pitfalls that can impact a business. 

stop bad habits 

This implementation system comes with: 

  • Textbook 
  • Workbook 
  • Idea generator 
  • Calendar tasks 
  • Checklist 

Grab it here.  

Businesses that stagnate fail. If you can’t change, you can’t grow. 

get started now

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