If you have read the blog How to Start Making Money Online the Right Way, you know how important it is to have your own customer list even when you’re just starting out as an Affiliate Marketer. More so if you are a business or a brand owner trying to generate traffic and sales to your website, right?
Well, building a customer list, even just a little one, is relevant but it’s also time-consuming. That’s something you need to remember first and foremost. In fact, the shortest possible path in doing so still requires you to study, learn a system, and put in some “elbow grease.” There’s no magic bullet or a one-cure-all solution. However, as mentioned, there is a shortcut.
Five +1 Ways to Get and Grow Your Customer List
As online marketers, we know the struggle of how difficult it is not to have any detailed guide in having and maintaining a good relationship with your customers. We’ve been there, and we understand. So today we’ll share with you some tested tips to ace your list building.
Attract Both Buyers and Freebie-Seekers as Leads
Okay, this is not just plain traffic attraction. Remember that traffic includes not only buyers and freebie-seekers but also competitors and sight-seers. Practically, all of them visits your site however the former two, which are your leads, differ from the latter, which are definitely not your leads.
We consider freebie-seekers as leads because of their will to buy. They are your potential buyers that didn’t convert yet. Maybe it’s because they still don’t trust you enough or they still don’t have the money to buy your product. But keep in mind that they have the intention to do so. They need the same needs your buyers do.
What you have to do is be the right person who’ll give them the right thing they need at the right time. For you to do that, you need to know what they want that you can provide. You can’t get this from them up front because there’s a great chance that if you do, you’ll lose them right away. You have to gain their trust, and you have to do it gradually but surely and naturally.
Segment your customer list
Both freebie-seekers and buyers are equally important leads, but still, you have to segment them. You have to separate low ticket buyers, high ticket buyers, and most especially, non-buyers. It’s essential so that you can customize the amount of trust you can give them based on the amount of faith they gave you. Of course, you have to send them the same quality emails and same quality products, but you need to provide more upsized perks to those that give more value to your brand.
Segmentation is a significant component of list building, but most people don’t know about it. This has a substantial contributing factor in generating income from your product, but it’s often neglected. Surely you don’t want to be a part of the majority of the population that does that, right?
Separate the different types of lists you have to know the various offers you can give each of them. By this, you’ll not only motivate them to trust your brand more, but you’ll also provide a boost to the lasting partnership you just created. Besides, it’s easier to monetize the list by doing this because you can quickly know where to put more offers.
Make Your Presence Known to Your List![](https://www.practicalincomegeneration.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Buzzinar-Content-Images-2.png)
You have a great product, and you know who your potential customers are, but if you don’t show them you exist, they won’t bother converting. So create content and introduce your brand. You have a lot of ways to do so. Send them a message, an email, or an offer. Just always remind them you are there to help them, and you are capable of helping them because you have the resources they need.
Don’t worry. You don’t have to do this every day if you still can’t. Maybe you can do it once for every three days or for every week, just don’t stop communicating. You’ll never know when they’ll grow fond of you and convert so it’d be a waste if you quit.
If they already converted, don’t stop yet. Offer them something greater or more expensive than the last one. Upsize your promos until you have nothing greater to offer. Once this happens, you can offer them another relevant product, and repeat the cycle. They already trust you so don’t lose them.
Don’t kill your list
Have you seen a “dead customer list”? Maybe you just didn’t realize it, but you often do. Every few months, our customer list refreshes and does not recycle itself. Maybe your emails go to their spam folder, and they can’t open it, or they’re filtering them out themselves. Whatever the reason is, if they’re not reading your emails anymore, your list is dying.
It’ll be a pity if you’ll lose them after wasting a lot of time, money and effort just to get them, right? So what do you do? Well, segment and monetize them. Yes, go back to what was previously mentioned. That’s how important it is to segregate your customer list.
People focus too much on getting more traffic and new leads that they forgot to take care of the existing ones. If you’re just attracting leads and not focusing on segmentation and monetization, there’s a great chance that by the time you do, the list is already gone.
Revive Your List
We don’t encourage you to reach this point, but if you ever do, it’s still not too late for you. However, as an early note, this step will cost you a significant amount of time, money and effort. That’s why we do not recommend that you’ll be in this situation in the first place. However, if you’re already in this state, keep reading.
There’s only one way to build your list back, and it’s through retargeting. There’s a high chance that people who had already seen your product and subscribed to it will reopen them in the future. That is mostly true unless your product sucks. If that’s the case, then there’s no hope for you.
Keep in mind that most of your potential buyers do not convert immediately. Some take time and do a substantial amount of research, some do a lot of thinking first, and some are still waiting for their payday to come to purchase. If you trust your brand’s quality and relevance, don’t lose hope, especially if it’s worth the cost spent in the long run.
Train your Prospects
Now, this is THE PLUS ONE!
You have to train your prospects to listen and follow your instructions. In simpler terms, tell them what to do. If you want them to subscribe to your channel, tell them. If you want them to check or read the emails you sent, tell them. If you want them to buy, do tell them. You don’t need to be blatant, but you have to be honest with them.
Just do it subtly, please. Don’t shock them with your offers. It might scare them away. Warm them up by making them realize how your product can help them. Then, have a clear call to action. It’s not easy, but if you can do it right, it can be very effective.
So those are the “five plus one” ways you can do to your customer lists. However, if you’re still struggling to build a profitable list of subscribers, don’t just contain your learning on this blog. Although these tips will be beneficial to you, they’re not enough to make you a viral marketing master. Be SMART and start letting VIRAL Technology WORK FOR YOU!
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2 replies to "How to Build and Sustain a Customer List: The Five +1 Tested Ways"
Awesome post! I don’t care how many chat bots, list machines, etc. you may have, nothing beats a list of buyers. Thank you for this valuable information.
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