To become a podcast guest, you must get to know your host first. 

Know her priorities so you can tailor your speaker sheet and interview proposal to her most current top needs. 

 If you are following her in a closed Facebook Group, and she is sharing her excitement over planning her next book, which is going to be based on her podcast series, “Interviews with Twenty-One Women Who Talk Tech”, and you specialize in setting up shopping carts and payment processing systems, you would instantly realize that, no matter how new you are to the online entrepreneurial scene, this is a perfect gig for you! 

For instance, if she has mentioned five podcast guests already, you can then approach this host with confidence and offer her your own viewpoint to fill in any of the gaps these five guests have not covered.  

Here’s how to put yourself in the position of knowing all about your host, without having to scramble and back-track and learn everything there is to know about her overnight. 

  1. Follow her on social media.

Pick 5 to 10 people you would like to be interviewed by, and follow their Facebook feeds and Pages, Twitter feeds, Instagram feeds, etc. 

  1. Get on the inside.

Take one of her live, interactive Challenges, Bootcamps, or Courses. Join her Mastermind Groups. Join her closed Facebook or LinkedIn Group and jump right into the conversation with helpful observations and contributions. 

  1. Listen to her podcast episodes.

This will familiarize you with your ideal host’s structure and preferences. You’ll know how she positions podcast guests, the sort of questions she asks, which of her own products (if any) she ties that guest’s topic, too. 

Another unexpected side benefit to listening to her podcasts is possessing familiarity with how they flow will make you a less nervous and far more comfortable podcast guest! 

  1. Read her blog.

Subscribe to it. Read her emails and posts. 

  1. Support her launches.

Become an affiliate of your favorite niche experts. Demonstrate you can pull your weight by helping her promote her launches. Leave reviews of her books on Amazon. Review her new template package and offer testimonials. Share her promotional tweets and posts. 

  1. Do all the above consistently.

Pick at least one podcast episode a day to listen to. If you’ve chosen 5 experts to follow, that means you can listen to all 5 in a week by focusing on a different expert every day. 

Dedicate a period to checking their feeds on social media daily. It doesn’t matter if that’s 10 minutes or an hour. It doesn’t matter if you hit all 5 daily, or once every day on your 5-day cycle. Just pick a system that works for you and stick to it. 

Even if you can’t or don’t want to do all the above, pick at least three of these suggestions and adopt them. 

A final note – all the above will be useless—like yet another batch of New Year’s Resolutions tossed out the window—if you don’t make a real commitment to following and supporting your chosen experts, and schedule this into your day. 

podcast guest

If you’ve never been a podcast guest, but always wanted to, you don’t want to miss out on this month’s EBA Profit Planner called “Book Yourself on Hot Podcasts”. 

Melanie M Davis and her team have been producing Profit Planners exclusively for a client for over 3 years. But now they are available to you! 

The Profit Planners are fluff-free tiny systems that are geared to helping businesses quickly and easily. When you follow the steps in “Book Yourself on Hot Podcasts”, you will feel confident in pursuing a podcast guest position.  

Profit Planners are simple systems that will benefit many businesses.  

You will receive the following in the package: 

  • A Textbook 
  • Digital Workbook 
  • Calendar with tasks you work on daily 
  • Idea Generator to brainstorm about podcasts 
  • A complete checklist to make sure you don’t miss a step 
  • Confidence to pull off seeking a guest spot on hot podcasts  
get started now

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