How to get customers if you find yourself dealing with toxic clients regularly?
It should be a big red flag that your message may be too broad. It’s time to tighten up your branding and your message.
When creating online content, it’s natural to concentrate on attracting the ideal client we want. The downside of this is that we sometimes forget to actively discourage the wrong client!
Qualification and Disqualification:
Use your content to actively discourage toxic people from wanting to work with you. You can even go so far as to speak bluntly, directly to the type of client you don’t want.
You will see messages like this on other websites:
“This program is not for you if you’re a chronic complainer who blames others rather than taking responsibility for your success.”
But before you ever get to your “Who Should Work with Me” and “Who Should Not Work with Me” sections, set seekers up to be qualified on how to get customers. Doing this prepares your ideal (and not-so-ideal) visitor to measure themselves against your qualifications.
This type of pre-qualification takes any personal sting out of blunt messages, but more importantly, it also puts them in the right objective-analytical mindset to qualify or disqualify themselves.
The last thing you want to do is attract people with an overly positive but too broad message that gives the less-than-ideal visitor false entitlement or false hope.
What follows next for people who click on the Find Out Now button is a qualifying/disqualifying quiz.
When you collect your results on how to get customers, it also takes one more small but important extra step—it invites you to share your results via social media buttons.
People who share tend to share with those who are like themselves: Potentially perfect clients.
If you pass the quiz qualifying criteria, the website takes you straight to all upcoming Beachpreneurs mastermind events and retreats, letting you know which ones are full; and which mastermind events and retreats have spaces left.
Our point here: Don’t just rely on one qualifying tactic.
Reinforce your main qualification strategy on how to get customers with auxiliary ones.
The more you include at natural spots in your process, the more likely you are to capture the right client, reinforce the message that you and your coaching or groups are right for that person – and disqualify those who are going to drag everyone down, or who are not yet ready for the level of coaching you provide.
Visuals and Images:
We’re talking about branding too; not just qualification and disqualification messages and tactics. Your website could have the best qualification strategy in the world implemented on how to get customers, but you could subliminally blow it by having poor-quality or shallow images, or – worse – images that actively contradict your message.
Consistency plays a large part in projecting a professional image. Include at least one of your brand objects or colors in social media, your website, and your landing page can help reinforce your message.
Make sure every part of your message consistently represents the level of quality your ideal client will be looking for. Then repeat and mirror your echoes in multiple ways.
We have an amazing tiny system that is available today for FREE. It’s called, “Handle Toxic Clients” and it takes you through a simple, fluff-free process to help you avoid the wrong clients and how you can master that easily.
Click here to learn more about it.
You gain clarity and confidence when you take action today.