Want to make your clients love you?
Give them positive feedback and praise when they accomplish their milestones!
Send client appreciation cards. They deserve it!
Remember, no one wants to be taken for granted, especially your clients.
If your clients do not feel a connection with you or your communications, you may very well lose that client.
No one is irreplaceable so make every effort to keep your clients happy and successful.
Here are some ideas on how and when to give praise:
Be generous with thank you notes for customer appreciation.
Even if it is a simple ‘Thank you for your continued business’ printed on your invoices. If they offer constructive criticism of how something needs to be improved or changed, thank them for the time they took to discuss the issue with them.
Then, make any necessary adjustments when working with them.
Celebrate your client when they have made real progress and always thank them for being diligent, hardworking, patient, and sticking to the program or process.
Not every client will participate in the program as you designed it. Praise those clients that work hard and validate the work they have done.
Simple words can mean so much, especially when it seems that the hard work isn’t paying off fast enough.
Be generous with praising your clients, such as reaching a milestone in their business.
When they expand their business, publish a book, or reach a new level in revenue, celebrate those things with them.
It could be a public acknowledgment on social media or a more personal note or phone call, your clients will appreciate your thoughts and best wishes, especially if you helped them reach those goals.
Keep in mind that TOO much praise may lead to suspicion, so praise them but not so much that they think you want something more from them in return.
Consider closing your coaching sessions with appreciative comments.
Have a customer appreciation certificate. Most people love validation that they’re headed in the right direction or that they handled a problem well.
Sometimes in the midst of the problem, it’s tough to know if you really made the right decision or not. Hearing validation from an objective party who has their best interests at heart will help build that relationship.
Ending on a positive note will set the tone for the rest of their workday, especially if they were negative at the beginning of your coaching session.
These are just a few ideas to get you started. Everybody can use encouragement, so don’t hold back! They need to hear from you that they are on track and making progress.
If you would like to have loyal, happy customers that love you, we would want to share something that will make a difference in your sales and profit.
It is one of MyNams Profit Planners’ products called “Make Your Clients Love You“.
Everything you need to know to get loyal clients that love and recommend you to everyone is covered in an easy to follow the process.
You’ll have access to this when you purchase an annual or lifetime access to the membership.
What’s covered in this training?
- Best Practices for Your Welcome Kit
- Happy Clients are Loyal Clients: How to Keep Them as Clients
- 4 Tips to Make Your Clients Feel Valued
What do you get in this training?
- Textbook
- Workbook
- Checklist
- Tools and Resources Guide
- Idea Generator
- Keywords
- Infographic with key points
This is a complete system that will walk you through step-by-step how to make your clients love you.
So, don’t miss this and you can also access other MyNams Profit Planner’s products, just purchase an annual or lifetime access to the membership.