Bonus #1: Writing-Based Action Plan
You don't have to be Hemingway, all you have to do is to write at a 5th-grade level. You can even do all this without writing at all by just capturing the words you use in your every day conversation style as you master the traffic tactics in the Writing-Based Action Plan.

Bonus #2: Technical-Based Action Plan
You don't have to create software or even put your own website together, you just need to copy a couple of simple processes that I'll show you step-by-step in the Technical-Based Action Plan.

Bonus #3: Resources-Based Action Plan
You don't need a $1000 a month budget, you can start on as low as $10 with the Resources-Based Action Plan.

Bonus #4: Internet Money Machines
I'm going to show you how you can use the power of internet video, without ever having to even touch a video camera. You should be able to read through this entire ebook in about an hour, and you'll be able to see for yourself how easy and how powerful this system is.
All I ask is you keep an open mind because in a few minutes you're going to grasp one of the most powerful and simple money making secrets you've ever seen.

Bonus #5: White Hat Blogging Techniques
We are going to share you this 100% white hat system I use to create money making niche blog networks.
Even the most ethical Internet Marketer should feel cool about using this system.
The main idea of creating niche blogs is to earn money from affiliate programs and adsense while giving quality content to your visitors.

Bonus #6: Black Hat Blogging Techniques
This technique did very well for a lot of people until the search engines clamped down. And even today you can still make money doing this.
Now I didn’t encourage everyone to go out and start using all the black hat stuff. I left it up to the individual to choose but the people who are just 100% white hat didn’t believe that money could be made without the black hat techniques. This is absolutely wrong as a good number of my profitable blogs use no black hat techniques what so ever.

Bonus #7: How To Avoid The Top 20 Traffic Disasters
The entire point behind Traffic Disasters is that if you’re not careful they are going to happen to you. Have you noticed how everyone always tells you what you SHOULD be doing but never what NOT to do?
The first thing I need to share with you is that not only did I write this e-book but I have also been the victim of almost all these traffic Disasters!
By sharing them with you here, the hope is that YOU can avoid the same things from happening to you.
How to Claim Your BONUS:
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